Influenza B virus (strain B/Florida/04/06)

Catalog Number: 7-IVB-6

From: $528.00

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General Category:

    Antigens » Infectious Diseases » Influenza A and B

Disease Category:

    Infectious Diseases » Antigens » Influenza A and B
Allantoic fluid of 10 days old embryonated eggs, inoculated with influenza B virus, strain B/Florida/04/06.
Serological studies of influenza B virus, immunogen for antibody production.
Purity > 90 %
Ultracentrifugation with 10 – 40 % sucrose gradient.
Presentation: STE, 0.09 % sodium azide (NaN3) and 0.005 % thimerosal.
Thimerosal and beta propiolactone treatment.
This product has been treated in a manner consistent with methods of inactivation. Generally accepted good laboratory practices appropriate to microbiological/viral safe handling practices and techniques are required at work.
Storage Conditions:
-20 °C (between -15 and -30 °C allowed)
Material safety note:
This product is sold for research use only. Standard Laboratory Practices should be followed when handling this material.
Product contains sodium azide as a preservative. Although the amount of sodium azide is very small appropriate care must be taken when handling this product.
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