Recombinant human procalcitonin

Catalog Number: 8-pCAL-rh

From: $980.00

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General Category:

    Antigens » Inflammation

Disease Category:

    Inflammation » Antigens
E. coli expression system
Consists of a polypeptide corresponding to 1-116 amino acid residues of human procalcitonin. Does not contain any tags.
An antigen for immunodetection of human PCT
Purity > 95 %
Immunoreactivity of recombinant human PCT is checked in sandwich immunoassay with specific monoclonal antibodies.
Affinity and reverse-phase chromatography
Lyophilized from 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl.
Product is recommended to reconstitute with deionized water.
Storage Conditions:
Before and after reconstitution at -20 °C (between -15 and -30 °C allowed)
Material safety note:
This product is sold for research use only. Standard Laboratory Practices should be followed when handling this material.
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